Everyone has questions before they engage the services of any kind of professional, but in our experience, the world of property tends to pose some pretty big questions.
Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions we come across.
If you don’t find the answer to your big question here, just give us a call or contact us here and we’ll be happy to furnish you with every detail.
In addition, we have access to exclusive market data, close agency relationships, and finely tuned systems that will help you hone your investment skills to perfection.
Contact us to find our more or request your ‘First Class Second Opinion’.
We will always start with a strategic planning session to determine if this course of action is right for you and together agree a plan to build your wealth.
To answer your question, we work across a full spectrum of support from arms-length guidance and mentoring, to full-service management of your investments and properties. Following our initial planning session we will scope out exactly what you need and agree a service plan specifically for you.
Firstly, from the time you pay your deposit to completion date can be a significant period and a lot can happen in that time. Bank lending criteria changes frequently, which recently has meant many would-be investors have lost their deposits when loan-to-value ratios increased, making it impossible for them to meet their obligations and go ahead with their purchase.
Secondly, we have found many apartments have lost value between the time of purchase and completion, which is not unusual in soft market conditions. (It should be noted that there can be multiple layers of sales commissions built into the purchase price, which eats away at your capital growth before you even start).
Thirdly, these properties tend to attract mainly investors, which drives rental yields down and when you eventually sell, you will a) find there is a lot of competition due to over-supply, and b) the pool of buyers the properties attract is mainly investor-based, who are looking to buy well.
None of this is conducive to a high-performance investment.
We instead look at areas of high demand and low supply, and properties that will appeal to both tenants and owner-occupiers, which is more likely to drive your selling price up when the time comes.
In addition, house and land packages typically exist in areas where land is abundant and continued demand for homes leads to further land subdivisions rather than price growth. Without scarcity of stock capital, growth is unlikely and new home owners and investors will always prefer the newer stock.
Owners attracted by developer offered price concessions and investors by tax depreciation allowances are only available on new dwellings.
From there if we are both happy to proceed, we’ll book in your strategy session and get to work.
For the sale and purchase of homes, we will be happy to help you anywhere in Australia.
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